BNHR's Training Services
BNHR offers two kinds of training services: (1) publicly-available courses and (2) custom/tailored courses with an expertise in open geospatial applications such as QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer, GeoNode, Leaflet, Python, etc.
Publicly-available courses
Information about our publicly-available courses can be found at These courses follow a pre-set schedule with a pre-set modality of either online or in-person in Quezon City. It covers topics that provide broad, foundational knowledge.
The training fees vary depending on the topic and duration of the course.
Past examples of our publicly-available courses are:
- QGIS: Essentials (2024 March)
- QGIS: Essentials (2023 November)
- QGIS: Layers and Expressions (2023 June)
Custom/Tailored courses
We also offer custom/tailored courses. These courses are designed to address specific use cases, topics, or focus areas by providing clients with a personalized learning experience that aligns with their unique needs and skills. Topics, schedules, materials, and most aspects of the training can all be customized.
The rate of a custom/tailored course is per training-day and is fixed up to a certain number of participants. For government agencies, we usually follow the honoraria computation as provided for by DBM BC 2007-01 (dated 23 April 2007) under provision 4.2.
Rest assured that BNHR is duly registered, fully equipped to provide all necessary documentation (including official invoices, receipts, and other supporting paperwork), and have experience working with private and government organizations alike.
Past examples of our custom/tailored courses are:
- Introduction to Remote Sensing w/ Google Earth Engine (Puerto Princesa City, 2024 October)
- Introduction to Python for geospatial and QGIS (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2024 January)
- Geospatial data management with QGIS, PostGIS, GeoServer, and GeoNode (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2023 October)
What’s best for you?
The choice of joining the publicly-available courses or getting a custom course will depend on factors such as your budget and what you seek to gain from the training. If you’re an individual or part of a small group who don’t mind sharing your learning spaces with others and are okay with a fixed training schedule then the publicly-available courses would be the better (and less expensive) option. However, if you are part of an organization interested in learning a highly-specific use case of QGIS or other open geospatial tools and require a learning experience that’s fully focused on you/your organization then the custom course will be the more beneficial investment.
If you are interested in a custom course, feel free to provide more information (such as the topics you want to learn, the number of days you are willing to commit, the number of participants you are expecting, and your working budget [if any]) and we will send you a more detailed proposal/quotation document.
Courses and Topics
BNHR’s training courses are carefully designed to build upon each other, providing learners with a strong foundation and a clear pathway for continued growth. Each workbook focuses on a particular topic or theme and is divided into multiple modules that provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. The courses and workbooks cover a diverse range of topics from introductory lessons to advanced visualization and processing such as:
- QGIS: Essentials
- QGIS: Layers and Expressions
- QGIS: Advanced Styling and Symbology
- QGIS: Maps and Layouts
- QGIS: Advanced and Automated Processing
- QGIS: Advanced and Automated Processing
- Geospatial Python
- Geospatial Data Management: Spatial SQL and PostGIS
- Geospatial Data Management: GeoServer
- Geospatial Data Management: GeoNode
- Using QGIS, PostGIS, and GeoServer in multi-user and enterprise environments
- Introduction to Remote Sensing using Google Earth Engine